All can be avoided by installing
CJC® Oil Filtration systems!
There is no other industry that relies on their equipment as much as the Marine industry do, this is why CJC® Filtration was developed for the Marine industry & has been providing reliable equipment through clean oil solutions for the past 65 years.
Improve your vessels and rigs up-time and extend oil lifetime!
Having continuous oil maintenance installed, you reduce oil-related problems on your engine, thrusters, bearings, gears, winches, cranes etc. CJC® Oil Filters constantly remove particles, water and oil degradation products from oil, resulting in reduced wear on components in many different marine and offshore applications.
Have you ever experienced..?
• Malfunction of hatch covers?
• Non-operational cranes?
• Excess water content in thrusters?
• Excessive wear in reduction gears?
• Extraordinary overhaul on fuel
pumps and injection nozzles?
Case Studies:
- Lube Oil, Main Engine MAK 8M20 1520 kW 4-stroke, Bulk Carrier
- Lube Oil, Wärtsila Main Engine, Diesel Electric Propulsion
- Lube Oil, Marine Diesel Engine, Harbour Tug Boat
- Lube Oil, Wärtsila Main Engine, Platform Supply Vessel
- Lube Oil, Main Lube Oil System, Diesel Engine-Supply Vessel
- Lube Oil, Training Vessel, Diesel Engine, Main Propulsion
- Lube Oil, Bulk Carrier, Diesel Main Engine
- Lube Oil, Coaster, Diesel Engine
- To view the above Case studies and learn more about how we can help with your Engine Lube Oil click here.
- Diesel Fuel, Fishing Vessel, Diesel Engine
- Diesel Fuel, Fishing Vessel, Fuel Tank
- Fuel Oil, Ferry, Main Engine
- To view the above Case studies and learn more about how we can help with your Engine Diesel click here.
- Gear Oil, Reefer Vessel, Reduction Gear
- Gear Oil, Sand-Pumping Dredger, Reduction Gear
- To view the above Case studies and learn more about how we can help with your Reduction Gearbox click here.
- Lube Oil, Stern Tube Seal, Platform Supply Vessel
- EAL Oil, Bulk Carrier, Cape Size, Stern Tube
- To view the above Case studies and learn more about how we can help with your Stern Tubes click here.
- Hydraulic Oil, Gear Oil, Fishing Vessel, Hydraulic Systems-Thrusters
- Gear Oil, Supply Vessel, Bow Thruster
- Gear Oil, Stern and Bow Thrusters, Gear System, Supply Vessel
- To view the above Case studies and learn more about how we can help with your Thrusters click here.
- Hydraulic Oil, Fishing Vessel, Hydraulic System
- Hydraulic Oil, Fishing Vessel, Hydraulic System
- Hydraulic Oil, Stern Trawler, Deck Winch
- Hydraulic & Diesel Oil, Fishing Vessel, Hydraulic Systems & Fuel Tank
- Hydraulic Oil, Gear Oil, Fishing Vessel, Hydraulic Systems-Thrusters
- Hydraulic Oil, Fishing Vessel, Hydraulic System
- Hydraulic Oil, Deep Sea Trawler, Winch
- Hydraulic Oil, Submarine, Hydraulic Systems
- Hydraulic Oil, Reefer Vessel, Hatch Cover
- Hydraulic Oil, Reefer Vessel, Marine Cranes
- Hydraulic Oil, Car Carrier, Main System, Ramp
- Hydraulic Oil, Hydraulic Control, Injection Pump, Exhaust Valves, MAN Engine
- Hydraulic Oil, Steering Gear, Passenger Vessel
- Hydraulic Oil, Ferry, Water Jet, Steering System
- To view the above Case studies and learn more about how we can help with your Vessel Hydraulics click here.
- Hydraulic Oil, Port Side Cranes, Drilling Rig
- Hydraulic Oil, Off Shore Drilling Rig-Thrusters and Cranes
- To view the above Case studies and learn more about how we can help with your Offshore Applications click here.